photo diary

portrait & documentary photography,
on 35mm film, 50x75cm, since 2020

Shortly after the first lockdown in 2020 I began documenting people I meet and situations I experience within the queer
viennese performance art and drag community. The pictures are taken spontaneously, sometimes during but often backstage or after the show and further on in private – outside of a performative context. Who is pressing the shutter? How does being part of a group myself impact the way people act in front of my lens? What happens when a photographer – model dynamic turns into a long standing collaboration or friendship? Where does the performance stop and a private moment start? I work with a small analogue point and shoot, making use of the snapshot moment and the impossibility to immediately see and improve the result.

body transformation and queer power 

photographic collaboration with Alexandru Cosarca
digital photography, series since 2020

The Viennese performance artist and community organizer Alexandru Cosarca and I explore transformation, body images, queer power, and the struggle for community and personal freedom in a longstanding artistic collaboration. The costumes worn in Alexandru‘s photos are part of his performative practice, with the body often obscured, leaving the question of age and gender of the portrayed person open.

self portraits

digital photography, digital collage, AI art

In my self portraits I explore my own genderqueer trans identity and the ideals imposed on them by society as a person perceived as female as well as the relationship we have with ourselves and the individual parts of our soul. I use photography, digital photomanipulation, AI tools, social media filter (sabotage), collage techniques as well es makeup und drag elements.

After dark

portrait fotografie, on 35mm film, since 2019

Nach Sonnenuntergang lade ich Personen aus der LGBTQIA+ Community ein mit mir die Stadt
zu erkunden, wobei die portraitierte Person den Ort auswählt – manchmal direkt vor der eigenen Haustüre, auf einer belebten  Einkaufsstraße nach Ladenschluss oder vor der Lieblingsbar – der öffentliche Raum gehört uns und wird zum Studio. Festgehalten in märchenhaft anmutenden, oft spielerisch experimentellen analogen Fotografieren erschaffen wir uns im Schutz der Nacht unsere eigene Welt in der gesellschaftliche Normen verblassen. Ich verwende 35mm Film und in-kamera experimentelle Techniken.